NFTs for Conservation

A non-fungible token is a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a digital ledger which use blockchain technology to give the NFT a public proof of ownership. We work with artist to create NFTs that link to conservation supporting our work and restoration.

ORAI NFTs for Sale

  • Coral Kingdom by Hazel Griffith

    NFT Coral Collection supporting coral reef restoration and conservation.

  • ORAI Coin by BlockChainWayne

    ORA coin collection supporting ORA artificial reefs and restoration.

  • Staghorn by ORA

    NFT Coral Collection supporting coral reef restoration of staghorn coral.

ORAI NFTs for Sale

  • Coming Soon!

    NFT Coral Collection supporting coral reef restoration and conservation.

  • cORAl Cube by BlockChainWayne

    ORA coral cube collection supporting ORA coral restoration and conservation projects.

  • Coming Soon!

    NFT Coral Collection supporting coral reef restoration and conservation.